As a Manager, you will be dealing with many different types of employees. You can never hope to haveemployees with one type only, a type of fun.
In General, the types of employees can be divided into two types: Extrovert and introvert. Extrovert andemployees differences introvert is actually just a way of communicating.
Extrovert easier to communicate than employees who are likely to be subdued introvert. Therefore, it takes special tips in dealing with employees of the introvert.
Smart tips that could lure the best abilities for the sake of their company's progress. Well, like what are the tricks? Following his review.
1. give more attention
Those include the introvert would never talk if deemed unnecessary. In fact, although he knows it is important to talk about, still isn't easy for those introvert to state his opinion.
Therefore, when employees of the introvert Middleprovide opinion, comment, or suggests one thing, give more attention compared to other employees.
As such, they will feel comfortable in talking and could pull out of what is in the mind completely.
Try to find out some little thing about introvert employees. This will help you to better understand the character and disposition, so that it can apply the right approach to employees this introvert.
2. Give them space
Facing employees introvert is not as easy as flipping the palms. It took patience and a deep knowledge of the typical character of this question.
For people of their energy, the introvert eject when interacting with other people is much greater than the Extrovert employees.
Therefore, they often need time to be alone as part of filling back the energy that they use.
Let them enjoy their time outs until the time he's back doing the next interaction.
3. Search lines of communication
Because rarely talking, then you should find anotherline of communication which makes this introvert employees don't have to do direct interaction.
Doing indirect interactions thus can increase the productivity of those who are not bothered by the presence of other people.
You can use email or chat applications to establishcommunication noverbal with them. Included in thevarious assignments they need to accomplish.
Communicate without face to face like this are preferred employees introvert. Because the energy required is not as much as when they have to face to face directly.
4. avoid unnecessary surprises
Introvert people tend to be well prepared aliases always running something with a plan. So don't ever invite employees to do an impromptu meeting of theintrovert. They will not give a lot of ideas, besides just silent and listening.
Because employees could be more introvert's corporate capabilities and ideas after going through the stages of research and preparation.
Then, create a scheduled meeting a few days earlier. It could be by asking them to provide a schedule that fit with regular activity.
By providing the opportunity to them to set the schedule, they will be more confident and focused in discussing the problem at the same time provide useful ideas.
5. Face to face in a cozy atmosphere
Illustration mentoring employees introvert
Despite those introvert tends to dislike face-to-face, but they can still tolerate if prefers only one persononly. This became one of the smart tips in dealing with employees of the introvert.
Face to face with one person still can make employees feel comfortable and remained introvert.
Of course this should also be supported by the atmosphere or a quiet place, not rowdy by the flurry ofwork to other employees.
Don't forget to notify the plan of the meeting at least one day in advance. So they will give you positive feedback during a meeting the next day.
6. Ask for their opinion on the next day
Remember, introvert people need more time to digest the problems and then analyse it to finally bring up an opinion.
So don't be disappointed if they do not directly provide input or opinions when you ask in a meeting.
Give them time to think. No need to force them to issue an opinion at the time of the meeting.
Because when they already have an opinion or input, will surely come to you. Either directly or indirectly, through various communication channelsare already covered in points 3.
You can give them the time of 1-2 hours, or up to one day. Then You contact them to ask for opinions about the matters discussed in previous meeting
Because when they already have an opinion or input, will surely come to you. Either directly or indirectly, through various communication channelsare already covered in points 3.
You can give them the time of 1-2 hours, or up to one day. Then You contact them to ask for opinions about the matters discussed in previous meetings.
Introvert people appreciate their time, including the energy used to interact.
Therefore, when you feel that the meeting agenda would already take that long, we recommend that this case be informed early on to them.
Give sufficient time gap between our daily activitiesschedule with them will give a chance to this introvert employees open the mind and dig up ideas.
This is an effective way to pump the employees contribution introvert. So strive every activity that involves employees of the introvert conducted in scheduled.
8. Understand the "taste" of their
In the face of employees introvert indeed had to do with an intelligent way. Among them is understanding "flavors" of them.
Don't get me wrong, that's actually the introvert people also love to socialize. But they prefer to do it in a place with a quiet and cozy.
Anyway it should be done in a place with not muchsucking their energy while socializing.
Therefore, the time will invite employees introvert meetings outside the Office, try to do in the quiet spots with the atmosphere calm.
Thus, they can give a lot of contributions in accordance with the terms of which will be discussed in the meeting.
9. Remain patient and calm
Have employees introvert it takes greater energy tobe able to handle them. Same is the case with the energy that they spend time interacting with others directly.
You should be able to have high patience in the face of those introvert. Once you can't wait or provoked emotions, then they will tend to be the more just shut down.
In fact, employees actually save a lot too introverted ideas which have not had time to appear becausetheir mental problems tend to be shy and reticent.
Note the level of interaction that they do every day,don't get too excess and make them already "thirst"quickly.
10. never assume
Lastly, never even if you assume about employee introvert. While they are more silent when meetings do not assume their middle or bad mood much thought.
Employees of the introvert just takes longer to process the information they can. However, they wouldgive you outstanding ideas will make you terkaget-kaget.
Facing employees introvert indeed had to do with the unusual way. Even tend to be exceptional.
However, when you already understand the typical character of the employees of the introvert, you will get many benefits which sometimes never thought of before. The benefits will be felt directly by the company they work for.
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