Insurance is a trading or guarantee given from the insurer on the risk of losses as as set out in the letter of agreement such as, damage, theft, fire, etc, or even loss of soul or other accidents. From the sense of the above can be inferred if someone is willing to pay for a small loss levels in the present moment so could face huge losses which could possibly occur in the future.
Muslims in Indonesia currently has many involved in the Affairs of insurance, therefore it is needs to bereviewed from the viewpoint of the religion of Islamwith more detail. For Muslims alone there is an assumed if insurance is not an Islamic activity, so thatsomeone who is involved with insurance, as well as deny the grace of Almighty God. "
God has predestined sustenance for any creaturesas Lord God Almighty, "and no one else on Earth reptile mealinkan Allaah yg gives rezekinya". "and whogave you the sustenance from heaven and Earth? Whether on the side of God is God? " "And we have made for you in all the necessities-keprluan life and creatures you yg surely is not the giver of sustenanceto him."
Of the three the verse can be interpreted if God Almighty indeed already preparing everything for all the Affairs and needs of the living beings such as humans as a Caliph in the face of the Earth and God prepares goods in raw form and not in the form of mature. This makes the man must offer it first and search for ikhtiarnya. While people involved with insurance is one endeavor to face the future and also time.
However, because the Affairs of insurance not described straightforwardly in nash, then the issue is still seen as the ijtihadi, i.e. the problem of dissent that is still a little hard dijindari and also still need to appreciate the difference.
Insurance is haraam but including any life insurance. The opinion has been expressed by Sayyid SabiqAbdullah al-Qalqii Joseph Qardhawi and also Muhammad Hunks al-Muth'i. While some of the reasons why insurance is said to be the bastard is as follows:
Insurance contained elements that have not been confirmed.
Insurance equal to gambling: as we know, have elements of gambling bet and same is the case with premium planted so the same with gambling.
Insurance contained elements of riba or renten: insurance also contains elements of ruba fadhel or riba commerce because of the existence of something that is too much and also the usury or riba nasi'ahbecause delay simultaneously.
Insurance contains elements of blackmail for whenthe holder of the pois cannot continue the payment, then the payment of premiums already paid will be lost or reduced.
Premiums already paid will be played back in the practice of usury.
The life and death of human beings as part of a business and this is the same as the preceding destinyof Allah SWT.
There is a form of consuming vanity treasures: in insurance also contain forms of consuming other people's treasure which is done with the kebhatilan and the insurance took the treasure will be but not always provide reciprocity. Whereas, in Akkadian mu'awadhot or that is contained in the terms shall have the benefit of reciprocity and, if not, then enter in the generality of the word of Allaah, "Hi folks who believe, you shall not eat the neighbor's possessions witheach other the way wrong, except by way of Commerce applicable mutual ridho among you "(QS. An Nisa ': 29). Certainly everyone didn't give money if it has been Green, but did not get a reciprocal or profit.
In addition, there are also other ghoror side of the scale is said to be reciprocal to be gained and the magnitude of its own is not known with certainty. Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam has also banned the sale and purchase of which have a high content of ghoror or speculation as there is in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, "the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam banned from selling hashoh (results throw pebbles, that is what was purchased) and bannedfrom selling ghoror (containing elements of clarity) "(HR. Muslim No. 1513).
While for a second opinion, the practice of insurance is allowed and raised Abd. WWahab Khalaf Muhammad Yusuf Zarqa Mustafa Akhmad Moses and also Abd. Rakhman isa. While the reason insurance allowed are as follows:
Going deals and the willingness of both sides.
There is no nash which prohibit the practice of insurance.
Insurance is included in the mudhrabah akda.
Provide benefits for both parties.
Insurance can be used for public interest because premiums already accumulated can be diinvestasianas a productive project and also development.
Insurance is included in this type of cooperation.
Insurance is analogous with the pension system as at taspen.
Opinions about insurance Makruh in Islam
While for the third opinion, social insurance is allowed, while the commercial which is forbidden. This third opinion expressed by Muhammad Abdu Zahrahi.e. for reasons similar to the opinion of the first commercial in nature for the insurance and the sameopinion for a second opinion in social insurance.
The reason of the insurance are revealing because there was no evidence syubhat expressly proscribe the proscribe such insurance or not. From some of the reviews above can be understood if the affair about the insurance still raises doubts so a bit difficult to determine which option most approaches to the law.
As a new alternative to offer, now there is also the insurance in accordance with the provisions of Islam and in this affair, hedaknya stick to the words of the Prophet Muhammad, "leave the things you wrote is dubious to things that are not doubt you. "
Insurance according to the Islamic teachings whichhave started to be implemented and encouraged asis already done some insurance Indonesia which has a different system of mudharabah wear. While in the takaful insurance based on syariah consists of several types, including the following:
Takaful Fires
Fire takaful insurance provide protection on property such as offices, shops, industry losses due to fires, the fall of an airplane, gas explosion, being struck by lightning, the factory and so on.
Takaful Haulage
This form of insurance will provide protection for loss of property in the delivery of goods and in the delivery of an accident or disaster.
Family takaful
Family takaful takaful insurance covering long-termfinancing plans such as education, health, tourismand takaful, Umrah Hajj. The funds already collected from participants of this insurance will be invested in accordance with Sharia principles. After that, the results obtained from the way mudharabah will be shared to all participants and also for the company.
Usury In Conventional Insurance
Usury in conventional insurance can happen due tothe funds invested, as for the problem of usury is also in question by the pious ulema. There are some scholars who suggest and there are some scholarswho allowed while there is also argue syubhat. While the path is done asuranasi is mudhrabah takaful so there is no usury in the takaful insurance.
So insurance takaful with Islamic Sharia could run well in the community, then the insurance takaful also needs to be further promoted and implementedproperly so that eventually could earn the trust of the community. People themselves also want real evidence about an idea, that later can get a guarantee of tranquility during life and also wants guaranteesfor children and their descendants after death.
If insurance takaful Islamic Sharia with manifest can with real community needs, it will make people who are happy with things syubhat and dealing with the law, it would be contradictory and would be reduced.
From the explanation above can be drawn conclusions about whether a mosque and insurance. But asgood Muslims, it would be better to be more carefulso as not to be fooled by the addition of the one only and should be investigated in advance whether it's true or just a mere addition of the word only. It would be better also to not file a premium because the kalim also has not obtained certain kehalalannyaand also should not be utilized except in the circumstance and it is tied, then the employment contractmay only utilize premium already deposited such ashealth insurance and should not be exceeded.
If you've already been in the insurance, then try harder to leave it and expand the forgiveness and repentance and also the practice of kindness. It would be better if the money had already been implanted withdrawn
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