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12 Tips for a successful job interview over the phone

Some companies use the telephone job interview as one of the stages of the selection of employees. You can still follow this interview even though it wasoutside the city or are busy with certain activities.

Of course, you need to prepare before the scheduled interview via phone. Good preparation will help you in explaining the capabilities, values, and your experience.

In addition, preparations will also make you not onlyspeaking but also can convince the interviewer.

You are not face to face with the interviewer, but that does not mean you can forget about the rules ofthe interview.

Job interviews via telephone instead could be a tough selection phase. Because you should be able toperform exceeds the other candidate while you don't meet with pewawacara.

Well, to help you succeed in your job interview by phone, here are 12 tips that deserve You praktikkan.

1. Do your research

Before the time of the interview, know as much information about your company and your job candidates. You can re-read the job work and what makes you fit the position you are applying.

Understand information from the company's website, where her Office, the latest news about the company, what is done by the company as well as just about any product or service.

You can also search for company profiles from various media such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

2. make sure you pick up the phone

You certainly must successfully pick up the phone for a job interview. You need to be alert and prepared.

Find a quiet place where you can feel comfortable and undisturbed. If you're outdoors, look for places that are not noisy.

If you are working, do not raise this phone in your workplace. Your boss or your co-workers can interfere with even knowing that you are looking for a new job.

If you are at work, make sure you get out of the room before the phone rang. Find a quiet corner, a place that is private or a good place to take the call.

It's possible you missed the phone. If so, could youexplain your reasons and ask another chance to job interviews by phone.

If the interviewer asking you a time you want to interview, make sure you choose the right time.

Don't ask a phone interview when you normally sleep, eating or working on something. Please select the best time so you can be through interviews with both.

3. prepare documents

Make sure you are given information about a job orcompany that you are applying. If you are not sure you can remember well, make a small note or document that is easy for you to access.

Prepare written information will facilitate You in responding to any questions the interviewer.

In addition to company information, you also need to have a copy of the list of CVS or job description before the interview begins.

4. Make a note when the interview

Ilusrasi records

If possible, make notes during or after the phone finishes immediately. Make a note of the name and position of the person who called you.

You also need to record the file or task that you need to prepare for the selection of the work. Write down any important information.

You also need to note down the questions that Youcannot answer during the interview, things that make the interviewer disappointed or questions asked the interviewer.

You should still focus on giving good answers rather than writing notes. If you have trouble, you can write a note with the phone as soon as it ended.

The records will help you to prepare for a face-to-face interview or the next selection stage.

5. Prepare your answers to common questions

Yes and no answers for job interviews by telephoneinterview would end quickly. In addition, this answerwill not make you seem interesting.

Prepare the answer would you give to the Bquestionsof the interview. You also need to practice answering commonly asked questions from now on.

With the preparation of a mature, you can be ready to face job interviews by telephone to even the not planned.

Describe with words and tell them your contributions or the results that you have accomplished. The answer to this can make you look more attractive thanthe other candidates.

6. Smile

A smile not only can You come up with during a face-to-face interview. During the job interview by phone You will also need to smile.

A smile will change the tone of your voice automatically and indirectly shows your enthusiasm to the listener.

Remember, your smile can be known by interviewers giving rise to a positive impression. You can put the mirror near your phone so that you remember tosmile.

Occasionally you can also look into a mirror to helpyou smile during an interview.

Make sure you don't see the mirror too often
Moreover, look into the mirror constantly. When you look into the mirror, you'll be too focused on your own shadow and not on the interview.

Doing so can also make you smile and even unnatural when you speak.

7. Fokuslah on the language and your voice

The focus answer interview via phone

Your strength is just another voice in a phone interview. Speak clearly, don't be too quick or too slow and use positive language.

Don't say Your hatred to others over the phone.

The words you choose, the enthusiasm, and the tone of your voice will help you through the interview well.

Do not smoke, eat, drink or chew gum during the job interview by phone.

You can set up a glass of water to prevent your mouth dry. Tersenyumlah to make your voice energized.

Stop for a moment before beginning to answer the question. You may sometimes be tempted to answer as soon as the question asked.

During a phone interview you should be quiet for a moment to think of the correct answer. Do not let you stop in the middle of a sentence or give a false statement.

You can train your voice before the interview was conducted. Make sure your voice shows confidence and clearly visible.

An hour before You call, you can talk to a friend or relative to warming. You can also sing with a voice loud enough.

Try also to train a wide range of different tones before the interview. Did you know that the professionals to train their voices before speaking?

Singing can be a great way to practice and warm up. Singing will mengendorkan your voice as well as muscle give you energy during an interview.

You can also drink the honey to clear up the sound and relieve your throat before the interview.

8. don't dominate the conversation

Some people think that if they talk much during the interview, they you are successful. Unfortunately, this is not true.

The less you talk the more you'll hear. Next you get past the telephone interview better.

You need to listen to the interviewer nicely and avoid dominating the conversation. Indeed you are asked to give answers during the interview, but you also have to show that you are good in listening.

Please wait for about three seconds before starting to answer questions. This will give time for you to think and to eliminate words that don't need to be in the conversation.

You can write down the questions you will ask during the interview, so be sure to pencil and paper are located near you.

Questions that show Your enthusiasm will help assure the interviewer that you are interested in working in the company.

9. Don't just ask advantage

Telephone job interview is not the right time to askallowances and salaries.

Stages of selection is the time for you to convince your boss that you have to be a dipertimbangan candidate. You will have the time myself to ask benefits, salary, or other facilities.

The company will usually give You an offer of employment in the late stages of selection. Therefore, you do not need to hurry to ask.

Before You arrive, when bidding has no power whatever to ask questions related to things that you would get from the company.
If you are asking for a salary or allowance in the early stages of selection, it shows that you just want a personal benefit.

10. show interest

Express your interest to do a live interview or the next selection stage.

You can state that you love to talk to the interviewer. Say also that you are interested in conducting interviews face-to-face and explain the opportunities directly.

Before the phone is closed, ask if the interviewer still have questions about you.

11. ask the next stages

Do not hang up the phone without finding out the next selection stage. Sometimes the interviewer began to end the interview but did not discuss the nextselection stage. At a time like this you should ask.

You should ask about the next selection stage. Show that you are enthusiastic to undergo the next stage of selection.

You can also ask where you will get the results of the interview. If sent by email, sms or only through the company website.

If possible, you can ask for the contact person you can contact the related selection.

12. Say Thank you

Before the phone is really closed, make sure you thank the interviewer.

You can also send a thank you after a job interviewby telephone to an end. This is not so common, butdo if possible.

You can send them via email as soon as the phone interview is over. This will demonstrate courtesy at once gives a positive value for you.


To twelve of the above tips will guide you through a phone interview. Do the preparations from now on so that you can work through interviews by telephone with success.

You do not have to dress formally or go to the company that interviewed You, but it's even more challenging than face-to-face interviews.

Muster your ability to be more prominent than other candidates. Good luck!


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