Motivational words for yourself-as a nation, shouldwe should always keep the spirit in any situation, keep learning and studying, for the sake of pursuing future goals, therefore we must motivate ourselves,so that reason us to get the success it becomes stronger, so the lingkunganpun supporting our future goals, keep away from the lazy nature of the disadvantage, think of the future, and do the best things all the time. inshallah all of future goals and desireswill be accomplished easily. ..
Motivational Words For Yourself
The real mubajir is a person who spends his time for things that are not important.
Learn where the important science and which are not important, so that you will know what should you do, so live your directional
Don't fall asleep with a dream, wake up and continue to work
Limitations of the self is not coming from outside, but rather comes from within yourself.
When you give out charity to someone, it means you have gifts to yourself
Sometimes reality does not correspond to what weexpect. keep the spirit .... and think the way out, andnever stop until all match what we expect
Its success is easy, but not in permudah
diatribe, invective, and insults from others is a rough precious advice, because they have found it from you and say it's acceptable, then kasihlah to them.
Never Despair, rest assured that God always together on each every things, including yourself.
Do not look at the past with regret; do not also see the future with fear; but look around you with full awareness.
Spend time with the elderly. Though for a moment, it will result in a better understanding of each other.
The enthusiasm of not only helps us to achieve thedreams, but also to make our trips more and more fun.
Mistakes are human best teachers when he was honest enough to admit it and be willing to learn from them.
Success lies in those who achieve something more than themselves.
Start Action-every day is a great time to say on ourselves "let the adventure begins"
Balance – Like a spinning bicycle wheel, any turnaround of our journey tells us to keep our balance at this stage of the journey.
The more you talk about yourself, the more likely you are to lie anyway.
We have to start bold determine our own life purpose, ready to confront and take all the risk and could erase the shadow of our past failures. Start a new sheet open, living with great optimism and a renewed spirit, then all dreams certainly came true.
Trust me against your ability to achieve what you want in life
Understand that life is up and down, but nothing can beat you
Amatilah everything around you. Watch, listen, and learn from others
Today, Napasmu is the last gusts of others. So stopcomplaining. Learn to live a life with what you have.
Those who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting, will be blessed.
The Word can't, will make you stop trying. Words CAN make you attempted though the final outcome is not necessarily. Spirit!
If you always do good, life will always be beautiful though no matter how much it weighs the issue.
Believe God PDS when all feels easier, it's okay. Believe God PDS when all feels hard, it's incredible.
Everyone need encouragement and praise for growing. Don't be quick to denounce. Remember, you cancriticize without having to denounce!
Motivational words from world figures
Our greatest pride is not because it never fails, but rose again each of us falls. (Confusius)
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not on results. Tryingout loud is the ultimate victory (Mahatma Gandhi)
Lack of keyakinanlah that makes people afraid of challenges, and I believe in myself. (Muhammad Ali)
We pray if distress and need something, should wealso pray in great joy and sustenance in abundance.(Kahlil Gibran)
If you can not do kindness to others by kekayaanmu, then give them a face beaming with kindness, with good morals. (Prophet Muhammad)
Glass, porcelain, and a good name, is something that easily once broke out, and will not be glued together again without visible scars. (Benjamin Franklin)
Amiability in words creates confidence, hospitality in the thought of creating peace, hospitality in givingcreates love. (Lao Tse)
Live like a wooden tree dense fruit, living at the edge of the road and stoned, but countered with fruit. (Abu Bakr Sibli)
In this world the hardest job in the change was displacing of change, because as if her own change. Helooked so charismatic, and its collapse could causethe earthquake the most dashyat. (Rhenald Kasali)
I do not believe that goodness always defeats evil,because I've lived a long time in the world and see that the assumption is not true.
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