Are you the one who has the desire to become successful and rich? Can fulfill all your desires and needs that are required, as well as having anything you like? All of the great things is indeed the beginning of a dream. By having such dreams, surely the ambition to be able to generate more money growing inside you.
Everyone surely has a dream to be able to get better and have a brighter future. However, there is rarelya feeling of despair went on the way to success they dreamed of, especially when experiencing failure or heavy losses, so they finally gave up and did notcontinue pursuing his dream.
When the sense of despair comes because failure, then You must rise as soon as possible. Don't let theflavor there to drag on, even to hinder you to keep going forward. Many ways that can be done to keep it has spirit and restore your confidence in achievingwhatever you dream of. One of the easy ways that you can do is learn from the experience of others who have also never had a failure, and rose up to now they become successful.
You don't need to know that successful people directly to get a lesson from them. Simply by reading the excerpt (or notable term with quotes) they share, then you can reap the lessons and apply them into your life. In addition to reading the experiences theyshare, you can also read a variety of positive motivational words that can be uplifting and build your confidence back. Here we have auto summary 11 words of motivation that can inspire You to achieve your success.
1. "Success is stumbling from failure to failure withno loss of enthusiasm."
' Success is the struggle of failure for the sake of failure
without losing enthusiasm. '-Winston s. Churchill
Success and failure is a series that can not be separated, because before getting the success surely have experienced failure before. When you feel a failure for the sake of the continued failure of the approach, do not let these things but your spirit. Don't worry anyway, because it is certain that you are the person who is actually very close to a success and it is right on your way to success.
2. "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."
' In success, Your Willingness to succeed
must be greater than your fear of failure will. ' — Bill Cosby
The sentence above is great for those of you who fear the risk of failure that might be experienced when trying to succeed, because the biggest enemy isfear. When you're always afraid of failing and nevertried it, then you will never move and will remain atone point which is certainly the point where you are already far behind from friends who may have managed to fight their fear and stepping forward in reaching their dreams so wait for what again? Start stepfrom now, to face your fear and reach for success.
3. "If you don't build your dream, someone else willhire you to help them build theirs."
' If you don't Build your dreams, then someone will hire You
to help build their dreams. '-Tony Gaskin
You certainly don't want to just be a spectator over the success of others, right? Moreover, only becomeworkers or subordinates of the successful people.So you don't like it, then you have to arrange your own success plans are ripe, and make those dreams come true. In addition, you must remain consistent in build and realize all the dreams, become a leaderand master for yourself.
4. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
' The best way to know the future is to create it. '-Dr.Forest c. Shaklee
Maybe a lot of people believe that the future could be foretold. Basically, find out how your condition in the future can indeed be done, but not by way of a foretold, but predictable. You can find out your future with how to build their own future. Things are verysupportive of such predictions is to do real action. In other words, the real action is the implementation of an idea, concept, or idea, and then turn it into something that gives real results and also can give changes in the future.
5. "Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period."
' Without discipline, success is not likely to happen, period. '-Lou Holtz
In addition to the sense of optimism is great to be able to achieve success, high self discipline is also one important factor to be able to build a brighter future. By having a high discipline, then you will get used to live in organized, and well accustomed to regular life, so all life plan you will certainly go well.
6. "The best revenge is massive success."
' The best Retaliation is to great success. '-Frank Sinatra
In each story, surely there is an antagonist. As wellas lived in life, certainly you have competitors who are not like you and they always try to drop. However, such treatment should not You reply in the same way. Accept their challenges in a way that sportsmanship, that achieved success on top of them. Show that they have the wrong judgement over yourself, and show that everyone has the same rights and opportunities to be a big one.
7. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."
' Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do
than the things that you've done. '-Mark Twain
You surely know very well that it is not possible to spin and repeat itself. With these facts, we can learn to not waste any opportunity that comes along. Because time will continue to move forward, so while you still can, grab every opportunity and benefit fromcarefully. Don't get used to any delay, because withthese bad habits, without you even realizing it's been a lot of opportunities wasted. Lest you feel regretlater in life because it's already missed chances.
8. "Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise."
' Work without sound, and let your success that reads loud. '-Frank Ocean
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On the way you achieve success, never seeking the attention of people around to learn how great your self in doing such a thing. You just need to focus andcontinue to work hard in the reach for a dream, and let your works later attracted attention at once inspires people around you.
9. "the Opportunities don't happen, you createthem."
Many people assume that they don't have the opportunity or the opportunity to progress and success. But when you realize, the chance is something that comes from yourself. Don't wait for opportunities coming at you, but saying and convince yourself to create these opportunities. Then living opportunities that you have been present with confidence and a sense of optimism that is full.
10. "Success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, sacrifice and learning most of all love what you do."
' Success is not a coincidence, success is hard work, studious, sacrifice
and the most important is love your work. '-Pele
Money falling from the sky indeed sounds very fun.But it will never become a reality. There is no success that occurs due to a coincidence, because success is the fruit of the hard work you do to achieve it.Hard work also needs to be balanced with study and add insight with continuously. Indeed it feels hard to do, but it is a great sacrifice for success will be the equivalent of the results that will be obtained later. And all of it can be fun when you love your work.
11. Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success. "
' Failure is not the opposite of success,
but part of the success itself. '-Ariana Huffington
To date, there is still the assumption that failure is aharbinger for ending a struggle. But in fact, failure ispart of success itself. Therefore, start to change your mindset about the failure. Don't ever feel desperate and slumped when facing failure. Instead, you should still feel optimistic, and trying to bounce back.Because surely You lessons can be drawn from a failure and could serve as a very valuable life lesson.
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