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Choose the best health insurance: Allianz, AXA, Cigna, or Manulife

Choose the best health insurance: Allianz, AXA, Cigna, or Manulife

When it decided to stop working and start his own business, one thing that needs to be immediately dealt with is the question of health costs. How it will be financed? One of them is taking health insurance.

But the issue is, how to choose the best health insurance.

With the intention that, a review is carried out over bids from four leading insurance companies, namely health insurance health insurance Allianz, AXA, Manulife health insurance and Cigna health insurance. The fourth is famous enough and has a provider network partnership hospitals include the most extensive.

Respectively we see and compare the premiums and benefit one another.

Health insurance is insurance that provide reimbursement of health care costs if policyholders are hospitalized due to illness or accident. The magnitude of the displacement number of bills from the hospital with a certain limit restrictions based on insurance plans that were taken.

Insurance is an important part of Managing the finances of the family.

Different health insurance with critical illness insurance. Critical illness insurance provides a cash maternity benefit if suffering from critical illnesses. Cashcompensation is given a one-time lump-sum basis.

Before looking at each quote, it's good we discussed in the past the ideal criteria as to what is. After that, we can determine where a good health insurance.

Best Health Insurance

According to a variety of literature and the opinion of the financial planner, things – things that ought to be considered are:


With a cashless, reimbursement claims became easier. When you sign in the hospital, you don't have to pay, but quite complete bill with swipe card insurance. No need to pay upfront, which then must still be in the reimbursement to insurance (reimbursement).

However, this requires a cashless Hospital where You were treated is already liaising with insurers because hospitals have to have and install machine toswipe card insurance. If you don't have insurance, although the cooperation system of cashless claims,you're forced to keep paying upfront and then completed with the reimbursement.

The Vast Hospital Network

Cashless claims can not be done in a hospital that does not have a partnership with insurance. Therefore, select the insurance that have a network of cooperation with many hospitals. Make sure the hospital your subscription (if any) in collaboration with health insurance which will be selected.

Plafond and the appropriate Premium

Ideally the plafond of the selected health insuranceas you wish. If the scheme taken lower, while later admitted, you have to pay an additional fee to cover the shortcomings of the insurance is not guaranteed.

Of course, the high related plafond straight with the amount of premium. The more expensive hospital room rate, the more expensive the premiums. Adjust the premium with the ability, do not in fact aggravating your finances. Should be ready to trade-offs between premium and plafond. Although it is often not easy, because it is a matter of health, for example the selection of hospital rooms, people are more emotional and tend to want a nice, cozy, which impliesan expensive room rates.

Pure Health Insurance

Choose a stand-alone health insurance, not a rider's life insurance unit-link. Why? Expensive. In the unit-link, a premium will be shared for the life insurance,health insurance, and new investment. Servings for health be small, so you have to pay more to get higher plafond. Not to mention, a number of pieces of unit cost-no small number of links, increasing healthpremiums reducing.

In the pure insurance (refer to the question of what is a Pure Insurance), premium reserved solely for cost coverage – health and costs are also not of costin the unit-link, so that the premium being cheaper or value insured be higher. If you want proof, compare the value of the coverage and the amount of premiums between pure health insurance with health insurance became part of unit-link.

Prioritize Inpatient

Health costs include inpatient and outpatient. We recommend that you focus on insurance which bear the costs of hospitalization because of this treatment which cost the most. If you have more money, it could take an additional outpatient insurance.

Without Limit per Treatment

There is a limit or the maximum amount limit plafond claims the cost of healthcare. Generally, two types of apply insurance limit, first is the limit of all care and second is the limit per treatment. For example, the first limit limit combined all treatment costs Rp 250 million a year, while the second limit restrictsthe cost of surgical treatment of Rp 10 million a year, the cost of consulting a Rp 10 million a year and so on.

There are insurance that only uses the first limit, there is only the second limit andThere is also a limit to use both simultaneously. We recommend that you select the insurance that applying the limit first, or in other words not limit the cost per treatment. The intent is so that policyholdersflexible medical treatment a variety of treatments for the total limit still exists. The insurance limit withthe limit first and second limit, of course, is not the most ideal.

Note The Auto Debit Credit Card Payment

Although it seems to make it easy and the premiumis usually paid monthly (would look lighter), please be careful – the liver performs auto-debit payment by credit card (would like to know how to manage credit cards, see here). If forced to use this method because the insurance does not provide other payment alternatives, make sure you know when the payment starts and how the process if you want to stop.

Avoid taking health insurance by phone

The offer of health insurance through tele-marketing started plural sprung. Usually in collaboration with the credit card issuer. Related products are quite complex, such as insurance, should contemplate, analyze and if got to do your research before making a decision. Therefore, I do not recommend taking the decision instantly when bidding by telemarketing.I never experienced themselves quickly and summarily the bidding process, so much info detail that could not be delivered because of the limited time. If you are interested and need time to think about it, can ask the insurance contact number, which you canlater call when it's ready.

Waiting Period Of Illness

Health insurance requires a waiting period, some diseases can not be claimed over a certain period from the date of expiration of the insurance. For example, Cigna establishes the following new disease could have claimed 12 months later, namely asthma;TB (Tuberculosis); kidney stones, urinary tract and bladder; Hypertension (hypertension), heart and blood vessels; Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus); Vertigo; andothers – other. Ask the insurance illness what goesand how long the waiting period.

View Health Insurance

Family health insurance programs that I ask is 3 members of the family, the husband (age 41 years), wife (age 41) and daughter (age 5). Inpatient room feeis Rp 750.000 per day. The benefits of each insurance presented in the table below (table complete take here).


Total premium is $11,250,000 per year for hospitalization. Interestingly, the limitations of hospitalization in the room costs Rp 750.000 reaches 180 days a year, including highest among others. But Allianz apply limit treatment varies depending on the type of treatment. Meanwhile, the total limit restrictions as far as for the combined treatment does not exist. Cashless system.

More information can check at Allianz health insurance.


Total premiums a year is $12,674,000 for hospitalization. Though more expensive among others, AXAdoes not apply the limit per treatment. The treatment is paid according to receipts, which restricted limit of Rp80 million treatments a year. There is a totallimit of Rp 250 million worth a year per person. Inpatient room costs Rp 750.000 per day to a maximum of only 60 days a year, a little more from Allianz. Cashless system.

More checks on health insurance AXA.

Health insurance covered it is provided by AXA General Insurance, not by AXA Mandiri Financial Services and AXA Financial Indonesia.


Cigna health insurance launches new family, that Family EaziCare. Premiums are determined by how much is the stipend per day and age. For example in this example, 800.000 Usd per day stipend and the oldest age 41 years, then the premium per monthis USD 716.600 (see details in the premium Cigna) or Rp 8,599,200 per year for a maximum of five members. The premiums look relatively cheap, let alone could provide coverage up to five family members.

However, its benefits are somewhat different form, namely the compensation in cash. When treated, compensation per day given lump-sum, for example, Rp 800 thousand, for a maximum of 60 days, no matter how much it costs the room and maintenance costs actually incurred.

That is, less or PC depending on the difference in the total cost of the room and maintenance costs compared to the amount of compensation. Although the premiums look cheap, its benefits are indeed much smaller than other insurance premiums more expensive. Cashless system.


Health insurance this is the rider or additional term life insurance-life. Although not a pure health insurance, the program got an interesting benefit, not inferior to the pure insurance. Total premiums a year is $9,854,000 for hospitalization. In addition to the premiums are cheaper from Allianz and AXA, the cost of the room are covered is also higher, amounting to Rp 800.000 tons per day with a maximum of 60 days of hospitalization per year. However, Manulife applied the limit per treatment is relatively low, although there is no limitlimit one year.

Manulife provides two benefits, life insurance and health insurance. Life insurance benefits here not unit-linked because there is no element of its investments. In addition to the cost of health protection, you get the protection life insurance valued at Rp 600 million. We know that some other health insurance also provides death benefit if the insured dies. But the numbers are small. No one in the amount of coverage given Manulife.

Check out the latest writings, Prudential health insurance vs. Manulife, who the best?

Looking For The Best

All four apply a system of cashless, health insurance is a family with inpatient facilities and are not part of the unit-link. So for these criteria, all fairly well. Let's look at other criteria.


AXA most ideal because of the limit of a large enough care with one limit (the limit is not broken – burst per treatment), while others apply the limit are different – different for each treatment. Allianz and Manulife there is no total limit per year but the limit with the limit per treatment per year. For Manulife, because it provides additional life insurance coverage, we can reduce the life insurance coverage that we already have and use the excess premiums to increase health insurance premiums. Cigna limit either with limit care as well as the total limit. The plafond, Cigna's most small due to give it in the form of cash compensation (cash plan), which does not replace appropriate costs of hospitalization and doctor fees.


The least expensive is Cigna because in addition tothe amount of the premiums, with premiums as lowas it assured could reach 5-member family (2 parents and 3 children). Meanwhile, other insurance, the premiums are more expensive, and even then only for 3 family members (more members, higher premiums again). But, again, the premium associated with benefits.

Network Hospitals

All of them have extensive cooperation. Informationfor AXA and Manulife can be seen here.

Select which Insurance?

Depends. If do not have insurance, advice I choosebetween Allianz, AXA or Manulife because they had the ideal plafond. Meanwhile, if already had insurance from work and want to increase coverage, my advice take Cigna because premiums most economical with a goodly coverage.

What if I need medical insurance to our parents? Check out the article protects Elderly Health insurance until the age of 79 years.

The importance of the health and costly medical treatment costs make this cost protect insurance is an important part of any family's financial planning.Especially if there are no health facilities from the place of work. Make sure you choose the insurance that best suits your needs and capabilities, by heart– the heart. At least use the explanation above as a guide. Happy selecting! Want to know more information and how to forecast insurance premiums for you, check out here.

Manulife: MiUltimate HealthCare, Health InsuranceCashless Replace Fit The Bill

Manulife launched the latest pure health insuranceproducts, namely MiUltimate HealthCare (MiUHC).Health insurance has a number of features that arebetter than other health insurances.

This is a cashless health insurance payment in accordance with the health bill (as charged) with an annual limit, without the inner limit.

Manulife explains that this is the basis of this insurance provides benefits i.e. the benefits of hospital treatment and the benefits of choice i.e. Outpatient Benefits, Dental Benefits, and the benefits of giving birth.

Entry age of parents is 18 – 70 years; Children: 6 months – 17 years. Premium payment method: annual, Semiannual, quarterly, and monthly

The advantages compared to other health insurance are the following

#1 Replacement Fit the Bill Without the Inner Limit

Generally, health insurance apply inner limit, i.e. restrictions limit for each time you sign in the hospital.

For example, the plan room Rp 500rb in health insurance have the inner limit of Usd 9.8 million for the cost of medicines and laboratory (the cost of a variety of hospital care) and the annual limit of rp 215 million (for the whole replacement, not just drugs and lab course).

That is, if hospitalised, the maximum cost of the drug and lab that cover is $9.8 million. More than that, the costs borne by participants despite the annual limit still exists.

With Manulife Mi Ultimate Health, drug and lab billsall tsb will be replaced because there is no inner limit. There is only an annual limit.

Plan room: IDR 500 rb In Manulife MiUC has an annual limit of USD 1 M means that any drug costs andlab will be covered during the annual limit still available.

For example, entering the hospital drug costs 50 million, Manulife will menngantinya because it is still in the annual limit.

If using an existing health insurance inner limit (i.e.9.8 million earlier), 50 million bills will not be replacedeverything.

You can see that the health insurance without the inner limit of the more profitable.

#2 there is no limit on the number of Inpatient Days in 1 year

Health insurance generally sets a maximum number of inpatient days in 1 year. There are 120 days or 150 days.

If the number of inpatient days already past this limit, the insurance will not change, despite the annuallimit still exists.

MiUltimate Healthcare Insurance does not limit the number of days of hospitalization in a hospital. During the annual limit still available, participants may continue to hospitalization.

#3 Automatic Plan Room Rise 3 x Folding (without added premium) if abroad

Manulife provides benefits costs the room of 3 x of the plan selected when treated around the world (except the United States).

For example, you select a plan room: IDR 500 thousand, when medical treatment abroad benefits automatically rises 3 x rooms, namely Rp 1.5 million (additional charge).

This of course helps because rooms abroad more expensive.

#4 Family Insurance Discounts

Manulife provides discounted premiums of 5% when you involve your family members (family plan) forat least 3 of the insured and discount applies over the entire premium paid.

For example, one family consists of 3 people, just buy 1 polis MiHC. No need to buy 3.

Because this is pure health insurance, participants also need not buy life insurance or investment to be able to participate. Simply buy a health insurance policy 1.

#5 Protection up to Age 80 Years

Manulife provides protection long enough, that the age of 80 years. All participants protected until the age of 80 years for payment of premium.

an additional 1 billion Limit #6 (free) for critical illness

If exposed to a critical illness, Manulife Mi UltimateHealthcare provides an additional limit.

Interestingly, an additional limit is no additional premium. You don't have to pay more for it.

For example, the annual limit is USD 1 m. And thenexposed to a critical illness, then automatically addManulife limit amounting to Rp 1 m sd 2 M (depending on plan), so the total limit to IDR 2 M – 3 M.

Critical illness who got an additional limit is cancer,heart attack, kidney failure, transplantation, Organ.

#7 physiotherapy and Costs of diagnostic tests (CT San) Cover

MiUltimate provide a replacement is generally not provided by health insurance.

Indonesia's first offering new benefits including:

Physiotherapy treatment cost (60 days from the date out of the hospital) the cost of diagnostic tests (treatment before Hospitalization, 30 days before entering the hospital) Surgical reconstruction due to mastectomy or kecelakaanBiaya Care By Nurses ( Max 30 days after surgical or ICU action as part of thecost of care After Hospitalization) traditional Chinese medicine (optional) Physiotherapy and Chiropractic (optional)

#8 How the premiums? RP 8 – 12 million for 3 family members

If the premiums are expensive? Not too.

This example MiUltimate Healthcare health insurance for 3 people family members (husband, wife andchildren).

The premiums of Rp 12 millions a year


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