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17 a trick question when the Interview and how to answer them

Trick question is most often outwit applicants whena job interview (job interview). If you are less carefully then you will be caught up and lost the job a dream.

The interviewer will attempt to slip this question type for a specific purpose, for example to know how your actual character and whether you are the right person for a position in the company.

If you are including a calm person, you won't be stuck with these sorts of questions. Unfortunately, not all people can control themselves and behave calmly face the job interview. Necessary tips in preparingYour job interview in order to be successful.

To prepare, you need to know what sort of a trick question commonly asked job interview time. Check out 17 a trick question and how to answer it here.

1. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Questions of this type are intended to find out your character. Time for a short interview can't you spend to tell yourself at length. With 3 words that describe you, the interviewer has had a shadow of who you are and how you judge yourself.

Please choose 3 words that became the pre-eminent you and related to the job you are applying for. If you are applying for a position as a web designer, specify the character that is associated with the work as creative, responsive and more. However, do not mention the word creative when You apply for a job as an accountant.

In addition to the character that is associated with the job, you need to mention other positive characterwhich you have, such as honest, hard-working, enthusiastic, dedicated and more. According toWikihow, you need describe yourself with concreteexamples, clearand direct.

2. What do you know about this company?

Interviewers ask this question to find out what your desire to work in the company. At least you know that company profile, history, philosophy, and visionmission and values are being upheld by the company you are applying.

Never compare Your company you are applying with the company where you work before. Another thing that you should avoid is giving a negative answer to such problems that are being faced by the company, the less good opinion about the company, and others.

Stress on the primacy of the company and show your interest in excellence-excellence.

3. Why do you want to work in this company?

This question is asked to find out how big your desire to contribute on the company and the extent to which you know the company you are applying. Avoidreplying to high salaries, because it is not comfortable at work that used to be, a hard boss and acted arbitrarily, as well as other issues that you face in the company before.

Of course there are other positive reasons that encourage you to submit a cover letter and CV to the company. Answer honestly that you have a positive attitude in working well together the team as well as his own work, can be reliable, contribute positively to realize the vision and mission of the company.

4. What things most boasts of in your career?

When the interviewer gives you this question, they want to know what you really are passionate about and Your positive feelings towards the work. Describe about the project that you are proud of showing how you finish a job.

However, you should note that not all projects boast of having to tell. Select case boasts a related to work which you are applying. Show that the best skills you can also be a good contribution for the companywhen you become an employee.

5. Could you give an idea of the thinking of this job?

The interviewer want to find those that fit in the position you are applying for at the moment. From these questions, they can dig up things that you should know about this job and Your previous experiencesin the field that is being offered.

Give the answer that jelasdan expressly about the duties and obligations of the job you are applying. Don't ever doubt Your explanation because it shows kesiapanAnda being in that position. Before you answer, make sure you understand it and have been looking for information tentangposisi it well.

6. how long does it take you to contribute meaningful to us?

To be accepted, applicants often give answers thathasty and less realistic, for example one day or one week. This will make you look less smart in specifying a target. A realistic answer is the key.Please tell the interviewer that you will strive to overcome all expectations and challenges from day one, and you need a few months to 6 months to really understand the Organization of the company and its needs.Please tell the interviewer that you will strive to overcome all expectations and challenges from day one, and you need a few months to 6 months to really understand the Organization of the company and its needs.

7. If you received, how long you will work in this company?

This question can be a difficult question and trapping. Certainly, managers who will recruit you want to know how big your desire to work in the company.

Don't ever mention the numbers, how many years You will be with them. Make the answer informs the interviewer that you are interested in a career together with the company to achieve the target together.

8. According to you, what difference does it make this position compared to other positions for which you are applying?

When this question is posed, basically the interviewer wants to know whether you qualify in another company, how active you are looking for a job, and whether you're honest or not.

If you answer that it is the only company that you are applying, they will assume you're lying. Very few applicants who applied for a job in one company only. In addition, don't also occasionally mention the lack or excess of other companies you are applying.

The best answer you can give is based on honesty.To say that there are some companies that menginterviu You, but you have yet to decide which is best for your career forward.

9. After reading your CV, we think you're too experienced for this position. How do you feel?

Illustration test interview

This includes questions that will trap You and boostyour ego if you are a person who likes to be praised.Of course everybody likes to be praised. But the response you provide against the praise it shows characters yourself.

Do not let your big head and demanding higher salaries because of the recognition of the interviewer that you are too inexperienced in the field. Stay humble yet confident with the ability you have. The best answer is that you need to know before the companycan work with efficiently at a higher level.

10. Type of boss or partner as the worst and most successful work with you?

From the answers you give to these questions, the interviewer will determine if you have a conflict with your boss or coworkers in the company before. If you told me evil former bosses or co-workers, you'retrapped and easy for managers who recruited you give judgment.

Sample answers to this question so as not to trap You is "I think I can work together with anyone with a different personality. Their character is not an issuefor me. Some of the most successful collaborationI do when we communicate well and plan togetheras well as the realization of what we plan to do."
. Why did you leave your previous job?

This type of question is given by interviewers because they want to know Your track record at previous job. There are certainly reasons why aspects influenced You resign in a letter asking the company and looking for a new job. However to note, you should not mention personal conflicts.

Do not focus on the issues that make you resign, but the answer for the reason that you want to find a better position and in accordance with your skills. Show that you have a great desire to further develop in the company you are applying to.

12. If any company may choose, where you want to work?

This question is a trap because the interviewer wants to know more about your dream company. If you mention another company, this would invite doubt to recruit you. However, you still have to be honest that the company you are applying is not the only company where the cover letter and CV You sent.

The answer that allows for this question is "I actually searched for my target companies and this company is that fit me. I see a lot of things that have been developed in this company and I hope to be be part of projects developed in this company and contribute with the skills I have today. "

13. What do you think about your previous boss?

With this question, the prospective boss You would like to know whether You include employees who like to talk about the vices of others, particularly your former boss. Lest You get caught, much less tell a private matter. Think of things that are positive about your former boss and reproduce properly.

Have been described more to your liking than you dislike about your previous boss. Compass said that tell the evil ex-boss is one of the mistakes in the job interview that indicates that you do not respect superiors.

14. Why don't you get a better job in your current age?

This question would certainly be a trigger of emotions when you are not menelaahnya with a cool head.With this question, the interviewer is hoping will gethonest answers and not defensive. They want to know what work you want and whether their companywill become the stepping stones or you really want to work there.

Tell the interviewer that this is the reason you are looking for jobs at the company. Position you are applying for a job at the moment is fit and suit your skills and your current age. The company later you willbegin your career planning and career.

15. Have you ever thought of becoming a solicitor?

Employees are often tempted to become a solicitorwith the open side of the business. It occasionally becomes a threat to the company because the employee will not focus with his job. On the other hand, there are also companies that hone the skills of employees in order to run the enterpreneurship lines of business in the company.

If you indeed have a desire and never opened, say frankly, however do not passion. It could be the company you are applying are not looking for employees who have the skills to do business.

Say that you never thought of it but the solicitor is not suitable for you. Explain that the work in the company and be part of the team is more appropriate for you. In addition, you would enjoy working in a specific field (a position that you are applying for) rather than taking care of things are common and operational as a solicitor.

16. what was a success according to you?

This question can trap you because very subjectivedefinition of success that can mean the success you want in the future. However, lest You reply with Your plan for explicate success in future by finding a better job.

You must provide a picture that is not too far aheadbecause of the success could be a success in doing the little things. Achieving the target is small you have planned in a week or a month can also be indicators of success (read: 7 steps to become successful people). It would be very good if you are usingan example of success related to the position you are applying for.

17. What would you do if you won the Lottery with prizes 5 billion tomorrow?

If you consider this as a question off-topic that Youdo not need to respond in a serious, you are mistaken. From this question, the interviewer will determine if you will still work when you don't need the money and how you manage your finances.

The person who interviewed you want to hear that you'll keep working because you enjoy the work. In addition, the answer they want isyou can manage your finances well. If you are not in charge and spend your money on it, they would think that you would do the same thing on the money of the company.

Be careful before you answer any questions askedwhen a job interview (read: 30 examples of other questions when a job interview). Think with a cool head what the intent of the question and answer with a clear mind and positive. Not a trick question being the main causes you to lose a job in corporate scandals


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